Definition of Parameters

The causal effect is \(\Delta = E(Y(1) - Y(0))\). We define a logistic regression model for the propensity score \(p = P(T=1)\), where \(T\) is the indicator of treatment assigned, \[f(T \mid X,Z,\psi) \thicksim Bernoulli( expit(\gamma_0 + \gamma_X X + \gamma_z Z)).\]

We use \[f(X,Z) \thicksim N_2 \Bigl(\bigl(\begin{smallmatrix} 0 \\ 0 \end{smallmatrix} \bigr), \bigl(\begin{smallmatrix} 1 && \rho \\ \rho && 1\end{smallmatrix}\bigl)\Bigl).\]

We use the measurement error model as \(f(W \mid T,X,Z) \thicksim N(\beta_0 + \beta_1 X, \sigma^2)\), and a distribution of the potential outcomes as \(f(Y(T) \mid T,X,Z) \thicksim N(\Delta T + \delta_X X + \delta_Z Z, \tau^2)\).

The original values used in their simulation are:

Distribution Parameter Value Distribution Parameter Value
Simulation \(N_{sim}\) 1500 \(W\) \(\beta_0\) 0
\(n_{calib}\) 500 \(\beta_1\) 1
\(n_{main}\) 2500 small \(\sigma^2\) 0.111
\(T\) \(\gamma_0\) 0 moderate \(\sigma^2\) 0.667
\(\gamma_Z\) 0.4 large \(\sigma^2\) 2.333
small \(\gamma_X\) 0.4 \(Y\) \(\Delta\) 2
large \(\gamma_X\) 1.2 \(\delta_X\) 0.5
\((X,Z)\) low \(\rho\) 0.3 \(\delta_Z\) 0.1
medium \(\rho\) 0.6 \(\tau^2\) 1
high \(\rho\) 0.9


Code for simulation

##  Simulation of propensity score with 
##   covariates measured with error

##  This code was copied from 20140603_Simulation_with_CI\Simulation_with_CI.R:
##   - Fixes the error on having the doubly robust method on the naive and true regressions
##   - Adds intro, and command to import the iteration from 
##     the terminal 'i'
##   - Changes location of sourced file
##   - Changes number of simulations to 10
##   - Changes seed to XXX+i
##   - Eliminates the part that creates the table
##   - Changes the name of the saved results Rdata file

##  This simulation includes the following changes:
##   - Adds CIs and standard deviations
##   - Added reliabilities of 0.3, 0.6
##   - Uses m=12, n=3  (as all the previous simulations)

##  It also does:
##   - Runs reliabilities 0.9 and 0.999
##   - Modified the 'sampling' function to also run an 'extra small' variance (with reliability = 0.99)
##   - Eliminates CC, RP. Only calculates naive. 
##   - Uses 4 types of MIEC
##   - Sets reliabilities instead of variances
##   - Uses both a correct model (uses X and Z in the 
##      estimation model) as well as IPTW

##  We use this code to evaluate how sensitive MIEc is to the distributional assumptions. To do that
##   - We assume that Y comes from a normal distribution and 
##   - We assume that X comes from a normal distribution
##   - This is the benchmark (that is, all the distributional assumptions are corrrect)
##   - We add the library "ecodist"

##  We also changed the parameter Delta, the treatment effect, to 2. This reduces the unbalances in Y (when Delta was equal to 5 most of
##  the values for Y1 were 1, for the binary case)

##  We update the definition of reliability


source("MI-EC algorithm.r")

## ----expitlogit----------------------------------------------------------
expit <- function(x) exp(x)/(1+exp(x))
logit <- function(p) log(p/(1-p))

## ----, eval=TRUE---------------------------------------------------------
temp <- commandArgs(TRUE)
i    <-as.numeric(temp[1])

## ----load_libraries, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE------------------------

#library(Gmisc, verbose=FALSE) #verbose option does nothing when using knitr
source("MI-EC algorithm.r")

## ----def_params----------------------------------------------------------
# Sample size and number of simulations
n_main  <- 2500
n_calib <- 500
N_sim   <- 10

# Distribution of T | X,Z
gamma_0  <- 0 #This will determine the proportion receiving treatment
gamma_Z  <- 0.4
gamma_Xs <- 0.4
gamma_Xl <- 1.2

# Distribution of (X,Z)
rho_l    <- 0.3
rho_m    <- 0.6
rho_h    <- 0.9

# Distribution of W | Y,X,Z
beta_0   <- 0
beta_1   <- 1

#The variance of X is obtain by doing

rels      <- c(0.3,0.6,0.9,0.999)
sigmas    <- ((1/rels) - beta_1^(2))
sigma2_xs <- sigmas[4]
sigma2_s  <- sigmas[3]
sigma2_m  <- sigmas[2]
sigma2_l  <- sigmas[1]

# Distribution of Y(T) | T, X, Z
Delta    <- 2
delta_X  <- 0.5
delta_Z  <- 0.1
tau2     <- 1

## ----expitlogit----------------------------------------------------------
expit <- function(x) exp(x)/(1+exp(x))
logit <- function(p) log(p/(1-p))

## ----sampling_fun--------------------------------------------------------
sampling <- function(cor_level, X_effect, m_error){
    # Sampling ($X,Z$) from a multivariate distribution, according to a set level of correlation.
    if(cor_level == "low"){
       sigma_X_Z <- matrix(c(1,rho_l,rho_l,1), ncol=2)
     }else if(cor_level == "med") {
       sigma_X_Z = matrix(c(1,rho_m,rho_m,1), ncol=2)
     }else if(cor_level == "high") {
       sigma_X_Z = matrix(c(1,rho_h,rho_h,1), ncol=2)
     }else {stop("Correlation level must be 'high', 'med', or 'low'")}
    X_Z <- rmvnorm(n_main+n_calib, mean = c(0,0), sigma = sigma_X_Z)
    colnames(X_Z) <- c("X", "Z")
    # Sample Y(0), Y(1) \mid X,Z
    Y0 <- rnorm(n_main+n_calib, mean=(delta_X*X_Z[,"X"] + delta_Z*X_Z[,"Z"]), 
    Y1 <- rnorm(n_main+n_calib, mean=(Delta + delta_X*X_Z[,"X"] + delta_Z*X_Z[,"Z"]), sqrt(tau2))
    #Y1 <- Y0 + Delta     # rank preserving
    # Sample from the distribution of $T \mid X,Z,\psi$
    if(X_effect == "small"){
       logit_T <- gamma_0 + gamma_Xs*X_Z[,"X"] + gamma_Z*X_Z[,"Z"]
     } else if(X_effect == "large") {
       logit_T <- gamma_0 + gamma_Xl*X_Z[,"X"] + gamma_Z*X_Z[,"Z"]
     } else {stop("Effect of X must be 'small' or 'large'")}
    T <- rbinom(n_main+n_calib, 1, p= expit(logit_T))
    # Creating Y_obs given Y(0), Y(1), T
    Y_obs <- Y1*T + Y0*(1-T)
    #Sample from the distribution of $W \mid T,X,Z$
    if(m_error == "small"){
        W <- rnorm(n_main+n_calib, mean= (beta_0+beta_1*X_Z[,"X"]), sd=sqrt(sigma2_s))
     } else if(m_error == "moderate") {
        W <- rnorm(n_main+n_calib, mean= (beta_0+beta_1*X_Z[,"X"]), sd=sqrt(sigma2_m))
     } else if(m_error == "large") {
        W <- rnorm(n_main+n_calib, mean= (beta_0+beta_1*X_Z[,"X"]), sd=sqrt(sigma2_l))
     } else if(m_error == "extra small") {
        W <- rnorm(n_main+n_calib, mean= (beta_0+beta_1*X_Z[,"X"]), sd=sqrt(sigma2_xs))
     } else {stop("Measurement error must be 'extra small', 'small', 'moderate', or 'large'")}
    #Setting datasets for calibration and for main inference
    i.calib <- 1:n_calib
    i.main  <- (n_calib+1):(n_calib+n_main)
    data.main  <- data.frame(W = W[i.main], T = T[i.main], Z=X_Z[i.main,"Z"], 
                             Y_obs = Y_obs[i.main])
    data.cause <- data.frame(p= expit(logit_T[i.main]), X= X_Z[i.main,"X"], Y0 = Y0[i.main], Y1 = Y1[i.main])
    data.calib <- data.frame(X= X_Z[i.calib,"X"], W = W[i.calib])
    return(list(main=data.main, calib=data.calib, cause=data.cause))

## ----Correction_functions------------------------------------------------
true_regression <- function(data_main, Xtrue){
            data_main$Xtrue <- Xtrue
            model <- glm(T~Xtrue+Z, data=data_main, family=binomial)
            p_hat <- predict(model,type="response")
            data_main$wt <- ifelse(data_main$T==1, 1/p_hat, 1/(1-p_hat))
            design.ate   <- svydesign(ids=~1, weights=~wt, data=data_main)
            survey.model <- svyglm(Y_obs~T, design=design.ate)
            coef         <- summary(survey.model)$coeff["T",c("Estimate", "Std. Error")]

            CI_low <- coef["Estimate"] + qnorm(0.025)*coef["Std. Error"]
            CI_upp <- coef["Estimate"] + qnorm(0.975)*coef["Std. Error"]
            coef <- cbind(coef["Estimate"],coef["Std. Error"],CI_low, CI_upp)
            colnames(coef) <- c("results", "se", "(lower", "upper)")

naive_regression <- function(data_main){
            model <- glm(T ~ W + Z, data=data_main, family=binomial)
            p_hat <- predict(model,type="response")
            data_main$wt <- ifelse(data_main$T==1, 1/p_hat, 1/(1-p_hat))
            design.ate   <- svydesign(ids=~1, weights=~wt, data=data_main)
            survey.model <- svyglm(Y_obs~T, design=design.ate)
            coef         <- summary(survey.model)$coeff["T",c("Estimate", "Std. Error")]

            CI_low <- coef["Estimate"] + qnorm(0.025)*coef["Std. Error"]
            CI_upp <- coef["Estimate"] + qnorm(0.975)*coef["Std. Error"]
            coef <- cbind(coef["Estimate"],coef["Std. Error"],CI_low, CI_upp)
            colnames(coef) <- c("results", "se", "(lower", "upper)")

## ----MIEC_funs-----------------------------------------------------------
multiple_imputation_EC   <- function(data_main, data_calib, option="Ycov"){
            #Option: select 'Ycov', 'noT', 'noY', 'noT'
            # Ycov (Y covariate) uses $T$ as outcome, $Z$ and $Y_{obs}$ as helpful covariates
            # noY (no Y) uses $T$ as outcome, $Z$ as helpful covariate
            # noT (no T) uses $Y_{obs}$ as outcome, $Z$ as helpful covariate
            # noTY (no T, nor Y) uses no outcome, $Z$ as helpful covariate
            # Other parameters for MIEC/ two-stage imputation procedure
            m <- 12 #Number of draws from parameter distribution
            n <- 3  #Number of samples (and imputations) for each m
            # Generating Multiple Imputations:
            if(option=="Yout"){ # Y as a helpful covariate
              q <- 2  #Dimension of T. T = (T,Y_obs)
              r <- 1  #Dimension of Z. Z = (Z)
              MIEC_data <- MIEC(data_main[,c("W","T","Y_obs","Z")],data_calib,n_calib,n_main,M=m,N=n,K=q,S=r)
            }else if(option=="noY"){
              q <- 1  #Dimension of T. T = T
              r <- 1  #Dimension of Z. Z = Z
              MIEC_data <- MIEC(data_main[,c("W","T","Z")],data_calib,n_calib,n_main,M=m,N=n,K=q,S=r)

            }else if(option=="noT"){
              q <- 1  #Dimension of T. T = Y
              r <- 1  #Dimension of Z. Z = Z
              MIEC_data <- MIEC(data_main[,c("W","Y_obs","Z")],data_calib,n_calib,n_main,M=m,N=n,K=q,S=r)
            }else if(option=="noTY"){
              q <- 0  #Dimension of T. T = NULL
              r <- 1  #Dimension of Z. Z = Z
              MIEC_data <- MIEC(data_main[,c("W","Z")],data_calib,n_calib,n_main,M=m,N=n,K=q,S=r)
            }else {stop("Only options 'Ycov', 'noT', 'noY', 'noT' are accepted")}
            imputed_cols <- (q+r+1):ncol(MIEC_data)
            delta_MI <- matrix(NA,ncol=length(imputed_cols),nrow=2)
            MI_data  <- data.frame(
                T = data_main[,"T"],
                Z = data_main[,"Z"],
                Y_obs = data_main[,"Y_obs"])
            for(k in imputed_cols){
              MI_data$X <- MIEC_data[,k]
              model <- glm(T ~ X + Z, data=MI_data, family=binomial)
              p_hat <- predict(model,type="response")
              MI_data$wt <- ifelse(data_main$T==1, 1/p_hat, 1/(1-p_hat))
              design.ate   <- svydesign(ids=~1, weights=~wt, data=MI_data)
              survey.model <- svyglm(Y_obs~T, design=design.ate)
              delta_MI[,k-(q+r)] <- summary(survey.model)$coeff["T",c("Estimate", "Std. Error")]
            estimate.mitools <- summary(MIcombine(results = as.list(delta_MI[1,]), 
                                                  variances = as.list(delta_MI[2,]^2)))[,-5]
            combine_foo <- function(coef, vars){
                # coefficient of interest (gamma_x_hat)
                gamma_hat_MI <- mean(coef)
                # The following code gives non-sensical results
                #Calculating W,B,U
                gamma_matrix <- matrix(coef, ncol=n, byrow=TRUE)
                mean_n_gamma_hat <- apply(gamma_matrix, 1, mean)
                W <- sum(sapply(1:m, function(x){
                         sum((gamma_matrix[x,] - mean_n_gamma_hat[x])^2)
                B <- sum((mean_n_gamma_hat - gamma_hat_MI)^2)/(m-1)
                U <- mean(vars)
                # Calculating variance of our coefficient of interest
                T_MI <- U - W + (1+1/m)*B - W/n
                if(T_MI < 0) T_MI <- (1+1/m)*B
                # Confidence intervals are done with t-distribution with these
                # degrees of freedom
                df <- 1/(((((1+1/m)*B)^2)/((m-1)*T_MI^2)) + 
                      ((((1+1/n)*W)^2)/(m*(n-1)*T_MI^2))) #Note that here was the mistake
                if(T_MI < 0) df <- m-1
                CI_low <- gamma_hat_MI + qt(0.025, df=df)*sqrt(T_MI)
                CI_upp <- gamma_hat_MI + qt(0.975, df=df)*sqrt(T_MI)
                return(c(coef=gamma_hat_MI,se=sqrt(T_MI), CI_low=CI_low, CI_upp=CI_upp))

            estimate.reiter  <- combine_foo(delta_MI[1,], delta_MI[2,]^2)

## ----simulation_fun------------------------------------------------------
full_simulation <- function(cor_level = "low", X_effect = "large", m_error = "large"){
        data <- sampling(cor_level = cor_level, X_effect = X_effect, m_error = m_error)

        Xtrue     <- true_regression(data$main, data$cause$X)
        naive     <- naive_regression(data$main)
        MIEC_Yout <- multiple_imputation_EC(data$main, data$calib, "Yout")
        MIEC_noY  <- multiple_imputation_EC(data$main, data$calib, "noY")
        MIEC_noT  <- multiple_imputation_EC(data$main, data$calib, "noT")
        MIEC_noTY <- multiple_imputation_EC(data$main, data$calib, "noTY")
        result_table      <- rbind(Xtrue, naive,MIEC_Yout, MIEC_noY, MIEC_noT, MIEC_noTY)
        mean_insample     <- mean(data$cause$Y1 - data$cause$Y0) 
        result_string     <- c(mean_insample,t(result_table))
        names(result_string) <- c("insample mean", 
                                  paste0("Xtrue.", colnames(Xtrue)),
                                  paste0("naive.", colnames(Xtrue)),
                                  paste0("MIEC_Yout_mi.", colnames(Xtrue)),
                                  paste0("MIEC_Yout_re.", colnames(Xtrue)),
                                  paste0("MIEC_noY_mi.", colnames(Xtrue)),
                                  paste0("MIEC_noY_re.", colnames(Xtrue)),
                                  paste0("MIEC_noT_mi.", colnames(Xtrue)),
                                  paste0("MIEC_noT_re.", colnames(Xtrue)),
                                  paste0("MIEC_noTY_mi.", colnames(Xtrue)),
                                  paste0("MIEC_noTY_re.", colnames(Xtrue))

## ----simulations,cache=TRUE, eval=TRUE-----------------------------------
time1 <- Sys.time()

results <- list()

results[["gamma_Xs"]][["sigma2_xs"]][["rho_l"]] <- sapply(1:N_sim, function(x) full_simulation(cor_level = "low", X_effect = "small", m_error = "extra small"))

results[["gamma_Xs"]][["sigma2_xs"]][["rho_m"]] <- sapply(1:N_sim, function(x) full_simulation(cor_level = "med", X_effect = "small", m_error = "extra small"))

results[["gamma_Xs"]][["sigma2_xs"]][["rho_h"]] <- sapply(1:N_sim, function(x) full_simulation(cor_level = "high", X_effect = "small", m_error = "extra small"))

results[["gamma_Xl"]][["sigma2_xs"]][["rho_l"]] <- sapply(1:N_sim, function(x) full_simulation(cor_level = "low", X_effect = "large", m_error = "extra small"))

results[["gamma_Xl"]][["sigma2_xs"]][["rho_m"]] <- sapply(1:N_sim, function(x) full_simulation(cor_level = "med", X_effect = "large", m_error = "extra small"))

results[["gamma_Xl"]][["sigma2_xs"]][["rho_h"]] <- sapply(1:N_sim, function(x) full_simulation(cor_level = "high", X_effect = "large", m_error = "extra small"))

results[["gamma_Xs"]][["sigma2_s"]][["rho_l"]] <- sapply(1:N_sim, function(x) full_simulation(cor_level = "low", X_effect = "small", m_error = "small"))

results[["gamma_Xs"]][["sigma2_s"]][["rho_m"]] <- sapply(1:N_sim, function(x) full_simulation(cor_level = "med", X_effect = "small", m_error = "small"))

results[["gamma_Xs"]][["sigma2_s"]][["rho_h"]] <- sapply(1:N_sim, function(x) full_simulation(cor_level = "high", X_effect = "small", m_error = "small"))

results[["gamma_Xl"]][["sigma2_s"]][["rho_l"]] <- sapply(1:N_sim, function(x) full_simulation(cor_level = "low", X_effect = "large", m_error = "small"))

results[["gamma_Xl"]][["sigma2_s"]][["rho_m"]] <- sapply(1:N_sim, function(x) full_simulation(cor_level = "med", X_effect = "large", m_error = "small"))

results[["gamma_Xl"]][["sigma2_s"]][["rho_h"]] <- sapply(1:N_sim, function(x) full_simulation(cor_level = "high", X_effect = "large", m_error = "small"))

results[["gamma_Xs"]][["sigma2_m"]][["rho_l"]] <- sapply(1:N_sim, function(x) full_simulation(cor_level = "low", X_effect = "small", m_error = "moderate"))

results[["gamma_Xs"]][["sigma2_m"]][["rho_m"]] <- sapply(1:N_sim, function(x) full_simulation(cor_level = "med", X_effect = "small", m_error = "moderate"))

results[["gamma_Xs"]][["sigma2_m"]][["rho_h"]] <- sapply(1:N_sim, function(x) full_simulation(cor_level = "high", X_effect = "small", m_error = "moderate"))

results[["gamma_Xl"]][["sigma2_m"]][["rho_l"]] <- sapply(1:N_sim, function(x) full_simulation(cor_level = "low", X_effect = "large", m_error = "moderate"))

results[["gamma_Xl"]][["sigma2_m"]][["rho_m"]] <- sapply(1:N_sim, function(x) full_simulation(cor_level = "med", X_effect = "large", m_error = "moderate"))

results[["gamma_Xl"]][["sigma2_m"]][["rho_h"]] <- sapply(1:N_sim, function(x) full_simulation(cor_level = "high", X_effect = "large", m_error = "moderate"))

results[["gamma_Xs"]][["sigma2_l"]][["rho_l"]] <- sapply(1:N_sim, function(x) full_simulation(cor_level = "low", X_effect = "small", m_error = "large"))

results[["gamma_Xs"]][["sigma2_l"]][["rho_m"]] <- sapply(1:N_sim, function(x) full_simulation(cor_level = "med", X_effect = "small", m_error = "large"))

results[["gamma_Xs"]][["sigma2_l"]][["rho_h"]] <- sapply(1:N_sim, function(x) full_simulation(cor_level = "high", X_effect = "small", m_error = "large"))

results[["gamma_Xl"]][["sigma2_l"]][["rho_l"]] <- sapply(1:N_sim, function(x) full_simulation(cor_level = "low", X_effect = "large", m_error = "large"))

results[["gamma_Xl"]][["sigma2_l"]][["rho_m"]] <- sapply(1:N_sim, function(x) full_simulation(cor_level = "med", X_effect = "large", m_error = "large"))

results[["gamma_Xl"]][["sigma2_l"]][["rho_h"]] <- sapply(1:N_sim, function(x) full_simulation(cor_level = "high", X_effect = "large", m_error = "large"))
time2 <- Sys.time()

## ----save_results, eval=TRUE---------------------------------------------

save(results,file=paste("Simulation_with_CI_", i,"_", format(Sys.time(), "%Y%m%d-%H%M"),".Rdata", sep=""))